Healing Abilities, Upgrades and Psychic Gifts

Healing Abilities, Upgrades and Psychic Gifts

Request activations to Higher Self (or I AM as necessary). Only what is authorized will come online. Check % after the request. Repeat until activation reaches 100%.

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Reference     1
Activations and Abilities     Soul Retrieval
     Inner Child
     High Heart Healing
     Reiki (Energy Healing / Vitality)
     Energy Clearing / Balancing
     Original DNA Blueprint
     Speaking from the Heart
     Unconditional Love
     Heart Brain Coherence
     Pineal Gland Activation
     Decalcify Pineal Gland
     Connect to Higher Self / I AM / Source Creator
     Light Body
     Stop Aging / Age Regression
     Seven Seals (3rd)
     Seven Seals (4th)
     Seven Seals (5th)
     Seven Seals (6th)
     Seven Seals (7th)
     Inner Merkabah (Protection)
     Outer Merkabah (Vehicle)
     Earth & Cosmic Chakras (Grounding)
     Connection to Akasha
     Aura Vision
     Astral Travel
     Remote Viewing
     Light Language
Percentages     0%
Type     Healing Ability
     Psychic Gift
Yes / No     YES

Biómetro partilhado por dacunave, o 13/03/2022 -  Licença CC Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0



Protection against Ghosts / Jinns / Evil Spirits

Other Psychic Abilities

More in depth psychic abilities that are related to the Psychic Claire's

Archetype Discovery Chart

How to find which archetype you are.

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Use the chart to determine the type of dream you had and do the necessary response.

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metal Toxicity Chart

Clair Types

Different types of clair psychic abilities

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O pequeno Manual do Pêndulo, uma introdução em PDF à prática do pêndulo acompanhada por um conjunto de 19 pranchas para começar. Para descarregar gratuitamente 😉 descarregar em PDF
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