Archangel dream response

Archangel dream response

For people who have the various gifts of dreaming. It guides you in the right direction of action.
I updated it to use it with TYPE OF DREAM CHART, which you use first to determine the type of dream you had before using this chart.
I use it for my work with my personal Archangel. Archangels are the ones who send messages via dreams.

Classificado como :

Mostrar o conteúdo da prancha

Group     1
New group 1     Contact the person
     Do nothing at this stage
     Do readings for the person
     Enlighten the person
     Find someone to contact the person
     Give some money
     Go and help the person
     Go to the person's place just now
     Go to the person's place now
     It is for personal encouragement
     It is for personal enlightenment
     It is for personal motivation
     It is for personal prophecy
     It is for personal warning
     Keep in contact with the person
     Make a Facebook friend request
     Personal encouragement to be insignificant
     Personal encouragement to be responsible for the person
     Personal encouragement to let go of grudges
     Pray for the person
     Profile the person
     Request blessings
     Request comfort
     Request complete healing
     Request interpretation
     Request messages
     Request physical healing
     Request protection
     Request readings
     Request spiritual healing
     Request soul rescue
     Request personal blessings
     Request personal guidance
     Request personal healing
     Request personal insight
     Request personal protection
     Request personal readings
     Rescue the person
     Send an email
     Send encouragement
     Send positive energy
     Send someone to enlighten the person
     Send someone to give money
     Send someone to help the person
     Send someone to rescue the person
     Send someone to warn the person
     Send text messages
     Visit the person
     You had a conversation with the dead
     Warn the person
     Work on personal trust issues

Biómetro partilhado por Chris_Bothma, o 17/08/2021 -  Licença CC Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0

Pranchas ligadas

Os gráficos seguintes estão no mesmo tema que o gráfico “Archangel dream response”, eles dar-lhe-ão respostas adicionais para aprofundar a sua investigação.

Types of dream

Use the chart to determine the type of dream you had and do the necessary response.

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Edições Subtil

O pequeno Manual do Pêndulo, uma introdução em PDF à prática do pêndulo acompanhada por um conjunto de 19 pranchas para começar. Para descarregar gratuitamente 😉 descarregar em PDF
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