Chakra Blocks

Chakra Blocks

Causes of Upper & Lower Chakra Blocks

Classificado como :

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Causes of Upper Chakra Blocks     Lack of compassion
     Overly empathic
     Unable to receive love
     Unwilling to be vulnerable
     Holding a grudge
     Resists joy
     Lack of acceptance
     Difficulty being grateful
     Unable to be optimistic
     Resists generosity
     Holding onto expectations
     Codependency or Narcissism
     Attachment issues
     Lack of creativity
     Creative block
     Lacks authenticity
     Overly questioning
     Overly open 3rd eye
     Not connected with intuition
     Causes of Upper Chakra Blocks
     Repressed imagination
     Not paying attention to dreams
     Lacks mental clarity
     Forgets connection to Source
     Lacks Focus or concentration
     Not connecting with guides
     Lacks faith
     Resists new ideas
     Sees separation
     Not open to receiving help
     Lacks mindfulness
     Unaware of ego
     I am Not Divine
     Guides are Not Divine
     Unable to see Divine within
     Repressed communication
     Lack of self- expression
     Not in touch with purpose
Causes of Lower Chakra Blocks     Body Image
     Poor Health
     Uncomfortable Home
     Missing Home
     Not Feeling Safe
     No Sense of Belonging
     Not Grounded
     Not Connected to Earth
     Overly Empathetic
     Lack of Trust
     Clinging to the Past
     Financial Instability
     Doesn't See Abundance
     Lack of Creativity
     Repressed Desires
     Unaware of Individuality
     Unable to go with the Flow
     Holding Emotions Back
     Lack of Emotional Intelligence
     Resists Pleasure
     Resists Change
     Causes of Lower Chakra Blocks
     Lack of Hobbies
     Overly Identifies with Feelings
     Unable to Surrender
     Feels Guilty
     Repressed Intimacy, Sexuality
     Overly Sexual
     Addictions, Cravings, Habits
     Poor Self Discipline, Determination
     Plays Small
     Lacks Boundaries
     Fails to see One's Potential
     Lacks Confidence
     Fears Growth, Independence
     Feels Responsible for Others
     Pity, Victimized
     Over Active Ego, Aggressive
     Overly Exerts Oneself
     Multiple Blocks on This Chart

Biómetro partilhado por ksperanza, o 27/01/2021 -  Licença CC Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0



Health check

How is my pet?

More useful for dogs, and cats. For example, I've found that if my dog has eaten something bad, or had an encounter with a toxic toad/frog, a bowl of milk might help.

Types of dream

Use the chart to determine the type of dream you had and do the necessary response.

Clair Types

Different types of clair psychic abilities

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Edições Subtil

O pequeno Manual do Pêndulo, uma introdução em PDF à prática do pêndulo acompanhada por um conjunto de 19 pranchas para começar. Para descarregar gratuitamente 😉 descarregar em PDF
 Detalhe do biómetro

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