pH values, body systems; health

pH values, body systems; health

A nice pH health check synopsis, with chakra reference. May you always use in great health.

Classified in : Dowsing Health Care

Display the contents of the chart

PH Values     0
examples     hydrochloric acid
     battery acid
     lemon juice
     wine / beer
     black coffee
     human saliva
     pure water
     baking soda
     milk magnesia
     hair straightener
     oven cleaner
     drain cleaner
Chakras     R O O T security
     S A C R A L sensuality
     S L R P L E X U S power
     H E A R T emotions
     T H R O A T communication
     3 R D E Y E awareness
     C R O W N spirituality
Body Part     Skin
     Gall Bladder
     Sex Organs

To discover

Percentage of Vitality

Percentage of vitality of a person, place or object

Heal, Balance & Raise Energies

Ways To Heal, Balance & Raise Energy

Higher self dialogue

Basic dialogue with our Higher Self to maintain a healthy relationship, which is the primary requisite in our lives.

Healing Abilities, Upgrades and Psychic Gifts

Request activations to Higher Self (or I AM as necessary). Only what is authorized will come online. Check % after the request. Repeat until activation reaches 100%.

Archetype Discovery Chart

How to find which archetype you are.

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metal Toxicity Chart

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