Find lost items

Find lost items

To help find lost, miss placed or stolen items.

Classified in : Dowsing

Display the contents of the chart

Who, What, Where     In House
     In Trash
     In Car
     In Public area
     Known Person
     Left in a store
     In the yard or garden
     On the beach
     In restaurant
     In someone else's car
What happen to lost item     Miss Placed
     Lent to Someone
     Dropped or Left
     Stolen by Another

Shared dowsing chart by suz382471, the 01/24/2023 -  Licence CC Attribution-NonCommercial

To discover

Personal Motivator

A chart to identify personal motivators and issues that are involved with them


Protection against Ghosts / Jinns / Evil Spirits

Types of dream

Use the chart to determine the type of dream you had and do the necessary response.


levels of consciousness

Subtil offers a biometer generator and a space to share dowsing charts.

All the charts available on the site can be downloaded and printed

💙 Thanks to all users for this wonderful comm'one!

 Details of chart

This application is mainly usable on PC,
You can try landscape mode
Thanks to support us for improve the application.