Pantheons of divine essences of the world

Pantheons of divine essences of the world

To which spiritual divine essences do you resonate more with? the most common pantheons of divine essences, Divine Masculine/Femenine

Classified in : Subtle world

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Group     Asgardian, Nordic Gods
     Buddhist Gods
     Greek, Gods of Olympus
     Egyptian Gods
     Taoists, Chinese Gods
     Roman Gods
     Catholic-Roman Saints / Gods
     Mayan/Toltec Gods
     Daevas, Hindu Gods
     Amatsu, Shinto Gods of Japan
     Annunaki, Mesopotamian Gods
     Persian/Zoroastrian Gods
     Aboriginal, Australian gods
     Akua, Hawaiian Gods
     Tenger, Mongolian gods
     Diwatas, Philippine Gods
     Inuit, Eskimo Gods
     Tēteoh, Aztec/Toltec Gods
     Incan Gods
     Jumalat, Finnish Gods
     Dievas, Slavic/Russian Gods
     Celtic Gods
     Native American Gods
     Yoruba Orisha Gods
     Totem Animal Spirits
Gender energy     Male
New group 2     Father++

Shared dowsing chart by AMONMV, the 12/21/2022 -  Licence CC Attribution-NonCommercial

To discover

Identify guides

Use this to learn about which guide might be communicating with you.

Alien Races

According to indigenous elders, there are 68 Star Races involved on Earth. I know only these, but welcome more input from others. Light violet are aligned with the planetary evolutionary agreement; dark violet are Galactic Federation, here to support the evolution.

Higher self dialogue

Basic dialogue with our Higher Self to maintain a healthy relationship, which is the primary requisite in our lives.

Identify Guides

Learn which Guide might be communicating with you. Using letters you can ask their name. Using the numbers you can ask from what year you know them, or how many past lives are they from.

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