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Classified in : Dowsing
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Sanchita - Sum of Past Karmas (Stored)
Agami - Forthcoming Karma
Vartamana - Present Karma
Planet - Ketu (South Node of Moon)
Planet - Venus (Shukran)
Planet - Sun (Adityan)
Planet - Moon (Chandran)
Planet - Mars (Mangal)
Planet - Rahu (North Node)
Planet - Jupiter (Guru)
Planet - Saturn (Shani)
Planet - Mercury (Budhan)
Pitru Dosh (Forefathers)
Vastu Direction - East
Vastu Direction - West
Vastu Direction - North
Vastu Direction - South
Vastu Direction - North-East
Vastu Direction - North-West
Vastu Direction - South-West
Vastu Direction - South-East
Self-Defeating Behaviour
Psychic Attack
Inner Will (Strength)
Environmental Factors
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