Service analysis

Service analysis

Check potential tradespeople/service providers.

Classified in : Dowsing

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Group     Reliable
     Personal issues
     Won't turn up
     Will cost more than quoted
     Will have to be put right
     Not up to the job
     Time issues
     Rip off merchant
     Will let you down
     Unwell/not fit for work
     Perfect choice
     Spiritually prevented from coming
     Prevented for a reason
     Not aligned
     Not qualified
     All above board
     Good choice
     Busy schedule
     Will turn up
     Not right for this job
     Will have to wait
     Not telling truth
     Not the right person
     Will arrive late
     Schedule another time
     Bad workmanship
     Happy with the work
     Find someone else
     Will come eventually
     Doesn't really want the job
     Mental health issues
     Will turn up unannounced
     Will reschedule
     Won't get back to you
     Won't go as planned
     Change of plan
     From enquirers side
     Unforeseen circumstances
     All good-go ahead
     From service providers side
     Bigger job than anticipated
     Out of their league
     Book it in
     Will "ghost" the enquirer
     Energetically prevented
     Not good to deal with
     Bad experience
     Bad service
     Repeatedly let down
     Take longer than anticipated
     Underlying issues to job
     Not straightforward
     Done with ease, speed & grace
     Good service
     Causes other problems
     Not up to standard
     Better choices available
     Ready, willing, and able
     Pleasant to deal with
     Vehicle issues
     Better than expected
     Choose another option
     Not the one
     No issues
     It is all good

Shared dowsing chart by Samulvihill, the 01/11/2024 -  Licence CC Attribution-NonCommercial

To discover

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Pendulum Time Chart

Ask your guides/energy to be with you Set your intention/ask your “show me” question Hold your pendulum in your right hand over the centre of the mat Ask your question Be very watchful of your pendulum to see the way it swings The pendulum will swing towards one of the answer written on the mat Give thanks to your guides/energy Cleanse yourself and pendulum after use

Business Entrepreneurial

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