Dating tips
This chart will help you with specific tips that you need to apply to help with your dating life.
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Don't Go To Typical Places To Meet People
Leave Your Baggage At Home
Try To Date Someone You Know Through Others
Always Have Fun
Don't Pressure Yourself
Beware of People Who Seem Too Good to Be True
Give Yourself “Reality Checks”
Put Your Best Foot Forward First
Don't Fake It
Don't Take Rejection Personal
No bars, No loud environments, Go to places that align with your passions
Don't over-share personal details on the first few dates, No Ex Talk, No Trauma Bonding
Get set up on a date by friends or family members.
Make dating an adventure not a chore, Make dating an experience not a vital necessity.Have fun without holding back
feeling pressure to look a certain way, talk a certain way, eat a certain way, behave in a certain way…
If someone seems too good to be true, they probably are. you're suffering from a bad case of “idealization.”
don’t demonize or idealize people you date, objectively assess people with a realistic lens, Makes you have a negative view of the people you are dating.
First impressions do matter, be your best self first and try not to speculate on the future.
Being fake and blatantly lying about who you are will backfire.
If you are rejected, so be it. It is NOT because you aren’t worthy.
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