Lower Chakra Blocks
Causes of Lower Chakra Blocks
Classified in : Health Care
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Poor Health
Uncomfortable Home
Missing Home
Not Feeling Safe
No Sense of Belonging
Not Grounded
Not Connected to Earth
Overly Empathetic
Lack of Trust
Clinging to the Past
Financial Instability
Doesn't See Abundance
Lack of Creativity
Repressed Desires
Unaware of Individuality
Unable to go with the Flow
Holding Emotions Back
Lack of Emotional Intelligence
Resists Pleasure
Resists Change
Lack of Hobbies
Unable to Surrender
Feels Guilty
Sexuality Repressed
Overly Sexual
Addictions / Cravings / Habits
Poor Self Discipline, Determination
Plays Small
Lacks Boundaries
Fails to see One's Potential
Lacks Confidence
Fears Growth, Independence
Feels Responsible for Others
Pity / Victimized
Over Active Ego / Aggressive
Overly Exerts Oneself
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