72 Ángeles de Poder

72 Ángeles de Poder

Classified in : Subtle world

Display the contents of the chart

Group     No.1 VEHUIAH
     No. 2 YELIEL
     No.3 SITAEL
     No. 4 ELEMIAH
     No. 5 MAHASIAH
     No. 6 LELAHEL
     No. 7 ACHALAH
     No. 8 CAHETEL
     No. 9 HEZIEL
     No. 10 ELADIAH
     No. 11 LAVIAH
     No. 12 HAHAIAH
     No. 13 YEZELEL
     No. 14 MEBAHEL
     No. 15 HARIEL
     No.16 HAKEMIAH
     No.17 LAHVIAH
     No. 18 KELIEL
     No. 19 LOVIAH
     No. 20 PAHALIAH
     No. 21 NELAKEL
     No. 22 YEIAYEL
     No. 23 MELAHEL
     No. 24 CHAHUIAH
     No. 25 NETAHIAH
     No. 26 HAAIAH
     No. 27 YERATHEL
     No. 28 SHAHAIAH
     No. 29 REIYEL
     No. 30 OMAEL
     No. 31 LECABEL
     No. 32 VESHERIAH
     No. 33 YICHUIAH
     No. 34 LEHACHIAH
     No. 35 KEVEKIAH
     No. 36 MENADEL
     No. 37 ANIEL
     No. 38 CHAMAMIA
     No. 39 REHOEL
     No. 40 YEYIZEL
     No. 41 HAHAHEL
     No. 42 MIKAEL
     No. 43 VEVALIAH
     No. 44 YELAHIAH
     No. 45 SEALIAH
     No. 46 ARIEL
     No. 47 ESHALIAH
     No. 48 MIHAEL
     No. 49 VEHUEL
     No. 50 DANIEL
     No. 51 HAQADHIAH
     No. 52 IMAMIAH
     No. 53 NANAEL
     No. 54 NITAEL
     No. 55 MEBAHIAH
     No. 56 POYEL
     No. 57 NEMEMIAH
     No. 58 YEIYALEL
     No. 59 HARACHEL
     No. 60 MEYZEREL
     No. 61 UMABEL
     No. 62 YAHAHEL
     No. 63 ANUEL
     No. 64 MACHIEL
     No. 65 DAMEBIAH
     No. 66 MENAKEL
     No. 67 IYAHEL
     No. 68 QAVUIAH
     No. 69 RAHAEL
     No. 70 YABAMIAH
     No. 71 HAYIEL
     No. 72 MUMIAH

Shared dowsing chart by VeroGar, the 06/22/2021 -  Licence CC Attribution-NonCommercial

To discover

Identify guides

Use this to learn about which guide might be communicating with you.


Persons in your life


Determine the entity you encounter

Deity dialogue

Updated the heading of the chart to make it gender neutral. This chart was refined based on experience and instructions from the Deity. Where you see "Request...", the Deity is asking you to ask her/him to protect/heal/transmute, bless you, etc.

Identify Guides

Learn which Guide might be communicating with you. Using letters you can ask their name. Using the numbers you can ask from what year you know them, or how many past lives are they from.

Messages from a twin flame

If you are apart...

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