Biodynamic preparations

Biodynamic preparations

A chart for biodynamic preparations

Classified in : Dowsing Geobiology

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Gruppe     Horn Manure 500
     Horn Silica 501
     Horn Clay
     Horn Basalt
     Horn Agnihotra ash
     Horsetail 508
     Compost prep 502 (yarorrow)
     Compost prep 503 (chamonmile)
     Compost prep 504 (nettle)
     Compost prep 505 (oak bark)
     Compost prep 506 (dandelion)
     Compost prep 507 (valerian)
     Maria Thun Barrel Prep.
     Biodynamic tree paste

Shared dowsing chart by folker, the 02/20/2020 -  Licence CC Attribution-NonCommercial

To discover

House Environment

To detect in which room a problem is located in the house.

Tree Care

Disease detection on trees

Hormesis Chart

Hormesis is any process in an organism that exhibits a biphasic response to exposure to increasing amounts of a substance or condition. Within the hormetic zone, there is generally a favorable biological response to low exposures to toxins or other stressors

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