Homeopathic remedies - for diarrhea

Homeopathic remedies - for diarrhea

Classified in : Naturopathy

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Group     Aloes Socotrina
     Argentum Nitricum
     Arsenicum Album
     Cinchona Officinalis
     Croton Tiglium
     Nux Vomica
     Podophyllum Peltatum
     Veratrum Album

Shared dowsing chart by RAJIVS, the 01/24/2023 -  Licence CC Attribution-NonCommercial

To discover

Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamins you Lack and Need

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metal Toxicity Chart

Nutrient Levels

Use this chart when asking your body about levels of specific vitamins and minerals

Essential oils & Bach flowers

Which Essential Aroma or Bach flower remedy is perfectly right for you ? Don't stop at one, there may be many more. To your eternal health !

Allergens 1

Determine causes of allergic reactions

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