Higher self blockage distress 1
Classified in : Health Care
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Auditory dissonance
Conduct healing requests
Defiance against Higher Self case
Emotional dissonance
Grievance against Higher Self case
Grieved Higher Self case
Grounding blocks
Grounding issue, go barefeet
Higher Self abandonment case
Higher Self altruistic physical manifestation hindrance by selfishness
Higher Self annulled (cast up)
Higher Self anxiety caused by wasted time
Higher Self distrusts the person/people
Higher Self emotional sufferings case
Higher Self emotionally wounded by disloyalty
Higher Self enthusiasm quenched
Higher Self needs full attention
Higher Self needs the company
Lack of awareness of who the Higher Self is
Lack of being of the same capacity
Lack of commitment to Higher Self
Lack of communication with Higher Self
Lack of desire for harmony with the Higher Self
Lack of desire for the Higher Self issue
Lack of knowledge about the Higher Self issue
Lack of love for the Higher Self issue
Lack of passion for the Higher Self
Lack of passionate surrender to the Higher Self
Lack of praise for the Higher Self
Lack of respect for the Higher Self
Lack of sexual desire for the Higher Self
Lack of trust in the Higher Self
Lack of worship for the Higher Self
Lack of yieldingness to the Higher Self
Lower self indifference toward Higher Self
Lower self indiscernibility of the Higher Self
Lower self is eating wrong food
One-dimensional mindedness by Lower self
Passive mutual reassurance reciprocation tension
Psychological dissonance
Resonance lag
Resonance loss
Severance case by Lower self unresponsiveness
Sexual associative dissonance
Sexual auditory dissonance
Sexual bipolar dissonance
Sexual emotional dissonance
Sexual psychological dissonance
Sexual resonance block
Sexual resonance loss
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