Basic Dowsing Chart

Basic Dowsing Chart

Classified in : Dowsing

Display the contents of the chart

Title     B a s i c D o w s i n g C h a r t
Group     NO
     W - incorrect Wording
     N - information Not available
     C - Change to different subject
     other informations Available - A
     READY - ?
     Incomplete question - I
     Red flag danger - R

Shared dowsing chart by Mallo2011, the 10/29/2019 -  Licence CC Attribution-NonCommercial

To discover

Archetype Discovery Chart

How to find which archetype you are.

Personal spirit health checklist

The checklist is for those who have been made whole, and this is a basic list for routine checkup of spiritual health status henceforth, as this things happen easily.

Psychic abilities

Updated the chart once again to include "Magician".

Other Psychic Abilities

More in depth psychic abilities that are related to the Psychic Claire's

Yes / No / Maybe

A chart for Yes / No and percentage questions

Subtil offers a biometer generator and a space to share dowsing charts.

All the charts available on the site can be downloaded and printed

💙 Thanks to all users for this wonderful comm'one!

 Details of chart

This application is mainly usable on PC,
You can try landscape mode
Thanks to support us for improve the application.