Before first Session with a Client
Things to check and possibly adjust before working with someone
Classified in : Health Care
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Spirit Guides Compatibility
I'm a good choice for Client
I'm a good choice for this Issue/Goal
Willing to Resolve their Issue
Agrees to Resolve their Issue
Believes it's Possible 2 resolve Issue
Afraid of "doing it wrong"
Afraid of losing control
Afraid of revealing too much
Afraid it won't work for them
Belief - Nothing works for them
Fear of what they may discover
Fear of what they may lose
Part unwilling to let go of anger
Part unwilling to let go of fear
Part unwilling to let go a memory
Part unwilling to let go of Issue
Unconscious Block to Resolving Issue
Inherited Cause of the Issue
To discover
offers a biometer generator and a space to share dowsing charts.
All the charts available on the site can be downloaded and printed
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