Alien Races

According to indigenous elders, there are 68 Star Races involved on Earth. I know only these, but welcome more input from others. Light violet are aligned with the planetary evolutionary agreement; dark violet are Galactic Federation, here to support the evolution.

Classified in : Subtle world

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Percentage     1%
Alien Races     Alpha Draconians from Alpha Centauri
     Anasazi from Pleiades
     Andromedans from Andromeda
     Annunaki aka Nephilim from Nibiru
     Mantis from Ataien (parallel universe)
     Blue Avians from Orion
     Bellatrix Orion (warrior cast Reptilians)
     Tau Ceti from Tau Cetia
     Carin from Orion (parent race of Reptilians)
     Felines from Avyon
     Greys from Zeta Reticuli
     Hathors from Venus
     Human Aliens-Type A Alien consciousness born in human body
     Human Aliens-Type B Humans with cosmic memory intact
     Human Aliens-Type C walk-ins
     Lyran from Lyra
     Lyran Feline
     Martians from Mars
     MIB (Men in Black)
     Nagas Evolved ancestors of reptilians (Terran)
     Nordics from Pleiades or Venus
     Mintaka Orions from Orion via Vega or Sirius
     Philadelphia Project Aliens
     Pleiadians from Pleiades via Avalon or Lyra
     Reptilians-Chameleon, Draco from Orion
     Reptilians-Draco, Draconian Serpent aka Illuminati
     Shining Ones (Elohim-Annunaki) from Aldebaran
     Sirian Humans-1 African/Egyptian from Sirius (the Dogstar)
     Sirian Humans-2 Stonehenge/Americas from Sirius (the Dogstar)
     Sirian from Procyon (Canis Minoris)
     Vegans from Vega
     Largan from Iarga
     Apollonian from Pleiades
     Venetian or Venusian from Venus (Lyra descendants)
     Greys from Orion
     Founder (etheric beings, builders)
     Aldebaran from Taurus (Lyra descendants)
     Capellian from Capella or Auriga (peaceful Reptilians)
     Betelgeuse (Large-nosed Greys) from Betelgeuse or Orion
     Nommo (Merpeople) from Sirius and other places
     Octorian (Parallel universe)
     Antarian (Parallel universe)
     Centaurian (Centaurus Constellation)
     Bigfoot (from Maldek)
     Ummites from Ummo/Virgo (Lyra descendants)
     Korendian from Korendor/Bootes (Arcturian descendants)
     Cygnusian from Deneb Cygnus constellation (Andromeda)
     Epsilon Eridanian
     Santinian from Centauri A (Proxima III)
     Essasani Greys from Orion (Zeta descendants)
     Akartian from Sextans star system
     Pegasian from Pegasus Constellation (Lyra descendants)
     Antaran from Antares (Orion)

Shared dowsing chart by agni, the 07/23/2020 -  Licence CC Attribution-NonCommercial

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