Deep-dive timelines, & more

Deep-dive timelines, & more

A universal All-You-Need intensive timeline pendulum divination chart to suit almost any situation. For futurology, because we all have free-will changeability, the closer to the target time you scry, the more accurate your result.

Classified in : Dowsing

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Century     d. deep past
     deep future
years -1988-1999     c. 1988
years 2020-2030     b. 2020
years 2032-2043     a. 2032
months     january
week days     monday

To discover


Spiritual Growth & Self Knowledge


Protection against Ghosts / Jinns / Evil Spirits

Pendulum Time Chart

Ask your guides/energy to be with you Set your intention/ask your “show me” question Hold your pendulum in your right hand over the centre of the mat Ask your question Be very watchful of your pendulum to see the way it swings The pendulum will swing towards one of the answer written on the mat Give thanks to your guides/energy Cleanse yourself and pendulum after use

Healing Abilities, Upgrades and Psychic Gifts

Request activations to Higher Self (or I AM as necessary). Only what is authorized will come online. Check % after the request. Repeat until activation reaches 100%.

Clair Types

Different types of clair psychic abilities

Subtil offers a biometer generator and a space to share dowsing charts.

All the charts available on the site can be downloaded and printed

💙 Thanks to all users for this wonderful comm'one!

 Details of chart

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