About Subtil
Managed by a small group of friends close to the subtle worlds!
The idea came up... with the need, after a few training in dowsing, it seemed more convenient to us to gather different information in the form of dowsing / pendulum charts.
Dowsing charts generator application
Our friendly administrator is an enthusiast developer of web applications. He first created a small, basic tool for making dowsing charts.
Over time, with a touch of passion, ideas and inspiration, the many lines of code formed this wonderful Dowsing / pendulum charts generator software.
Later, the possibility of sharing the charts made it possible for us all to create together a magnificent resource space around pendulum practice, and maybe even more than that 😉
On Subtil, you'll find plenty of pendulum charts to download or customize.
Subtil is available for honor system and respect
Honor system is another way of looking at how a service is remunerated. This participatory and supportive method of valuation offers an alternative to current models, whether the "free" market or, in the digital world, the "massive" collection of user data.
Honor system opens the way to questioning the way we exchange our wealth. To support the service and the team, we offer a range of solutions. Find out more on the support us page.
This space has been designed from the ground up with respect for users and their data in mind: data collection is limited, cookies are kept to a technical minimum, you don't need to give your email address to download a chart or a PDF ebook, and you can even use the generator without creating an account! Honestly, respect is very important to us.
The notion of respect is unevenly distributed among visitors, far from being an innate value among those in commercial area, and then quite simply because we're at home here on Subtil with our free will; that's why we invite you to respect the very formal conditions of use below, to use the website and its generator. In particular, professional use is prohibited, we're preparing an FAQ to explain the exceptions 😉 In the meantime, we invite you to contact us beforehand for this type of use!
Site translation
The goal of Subtil is to make dowsing charts accessible to many people as possible, to simplify and ease their own dowsing experiences and practises.
Subtil was originally created in French, thanks to the voluntary support of various users, the site is also available in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
We would like to thank the following:
- John Smith for the English translation
- Stephan Stadelmann for the German translation
- Minan for the Spanish translation
- Alido for the Portuguese translation
- Marina Perles for the Italian traduction
Third-party libraries used
In order to create this website, we used many software components, here are some of them:
- Bfwk A small framework for PHP made by befox under GPLv3
- Bootstrap A framework for responsive design, and some very useful libraries: Bootstrap-colorpicker, Bootstrap-notify, Bootstrap-select
- Font-Awesome A large collection of icons
- Chanut is Industries Newsletter icon
- jQuery A handy JS library
- VueJS A JS framework for user interface design
- Moment.js A JS library for date manipulation
- noUiSlider A library for the JS management of sliders
- Sortable A JS library to manage reordering with drag and drop
- PluXml A blog engine in PHP with XML as staorage
Cat avatar generator An generator to illustrate comments, many thanks to David Revoy for the illustrations and Andreas Gohr's for the generation code.
General Conditions of Use
Through your use of this website subtil.net (SERVICE), you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and by all applicable.
If you do not wish to be bound by the agreement represented by these terms and conditions, you may not access the Site.
All provision of the Terms of Use are not applicable in all countries, if one or more stipulations of the general conditions would be in conflict with provisions of imperative law in accessing country, you may not use the SERVICE.
The Terms of Use are subject to change at any time without notice.
The Service is provided "as is" without warranties. The editor shall not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting or following the use of the SERVICE or the impossibility of using the SERVICE.
The use of this service is reserved to a strictly personal and private use. The editor reserves the right to suspend, prohibit, interrupt or restrict all or a portion of the site's functionality at any time, without prior notice without being required to justify its decision, by any means at his disposal, to the users for whom the editor estimated that they have violated these Terms & Conditions.
When in doubt on the interpretation or any conflict of these General Conditions, users should refer to the French version.
The publisher is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights both to the structure (scripts, css, html... ) of the SERVICE, and to the content of the SERVICE, except where mention is made of the author and the conditions of sharing of these elements, in the files concerned and on the pages presenting these texts or content.
In this respect, any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, by any process whatsoever, without the express authorization of the publisher, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
In particular, any extraction or reuse of quantitatively or qualitatively substantial parts of the content of databases is prohibited. It is also forbidden to extract, in any way whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever, all or part of the structure and content of the SERVICE. Consequently, the use of automated systems or software to extract and collect data from the SERVICE (screen scraping, exploration, extraction and/or retrieval of data, images and/or text) is prohibited.
In general, Users shall refrain from any action likely to hinder or disrupt the proper operation of the SERVICE. As a reminder, any infringement of an automated data processing system, and more generally any action likely to interfere with the operation of an Internet site, is punishable by law and renders the perpetrator criminally and civilly liable.
All data shared publicly on the SERVICE by users are published under their sole responsibility. Please share content while respecting the copyrights and trademarks belonging to third parties.
Legal Information
The site www.subtil.net is not a professional site.
Director of publication & data controller: Jérôme ANDANSON
The host site provider is:
BP 438
0801 84 13 00 00 -
+1 302-782-0229 (International phone number)
If you wish to contact the Subtil managers, please use the contact form.
Privacy Policy
Your data
The access data [1] to the sites are saved on the server, they are kept for a period of 30 days, they allow us to generate statistical consultation reports and can be possibly communicated following a legal claim by a third party.
For users with a user account on subtil.net, we keep your email address, login, and data associated with the dowsing charts you saved on the site. This data is necessary for on-site authentication and the backup of your charts.
Your data will not be shared or sold to third parties.
You can oppose automated processing or request the deletion of your user account, no functionality is yet available for you to be autonomous in this action, you can however contact us via this form to make your request, we will process it as soon as possible. Please note that your private charts will be deleted, but those you would have shared on the site are made available under licence CC-BY-NC 4.0, and therefore will not be deleted.
[1] IP address, date and time of access, address of the page visited, address of the referring page, browser, operating system
Use of cookies
The cookies used:
- The session cookie allows you to use a user account and stay connected between several pages, you will not be asked to authenticate on each page
- The language cookie used to store the language code to be displayed
Here is a link to learn more about cookies.