Pendulum charts - Subtle world

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Moon phase energy

Moon phase energy

The Moon Phase Energy Chart is a tool that provides insights into the different energies associated with each phase of the moon throughout its lunar cycle. It highlights the varying qualities and influences that can be harnessed during different phases, ranging from new beginnings and growth to reflection and release. Use: This chart serves as a reference guide for individuals interested in aligning their activities, intentions, and spiritual practices with the natural rhythms of the moon. By consulting the chart, practitioners can determine the most auspicious times for setting intentions, manifesting goals, letting go of old patterns, or engaging in inner work. Whether used for personal growth, manifestation rituals, or spiritual alignment, the Moon Phase Energy Chart offers valuable guidance for navigating life's journey in harmony with the lunar cycle.

First contact

First contact

This is my first chart I created. I named it First Contact for the simple reason that it contains all the basics to get one going start a session.

Japenese Alphabet

Japenese Alphabet

This chart is not meant for calling "Kokkuri". But, to be used for communication of spirits or living beings on the other dimensions that speaks the same language.

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 Details of chart

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