Pendulum charts - Subtle world

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Cosmic races 2

Cosmic races 2

Updated the charts to include Benevolent and Malevolent types.

Entities & Energies

Entities & Energies

To discern what type of entity or energy you are encountering and what to do with it.

People & when identification

People & when identification

This is an added on version of the chart created by another member.

Quadrant conditions

Quadrant conditions

A chart for identifying blocks that prevent Lightbeings (our guides) providing help.

Cosmic beings 1

Cosmic beings 1

The term "Alien" is derogative, hence "Cosmic beings". Just added Genies and Jinnis to the chart by others, and split into two charts for clarity.

Higher Self guidance for everyday living: Parenting, Marriage, and Femininity

Higher Self guidance for everyday living: Parenting, Marriage, and Femininity

"Higher Self Guidance for Everyday Living: Parenting, Marriage, and Femininity Dowsing Chart" reflecting its focus on providing guidance from your higher self tailored to your roles as a parent, spouse, and female individual in navigating everyday life.

Identify guides or loved ones

Identify guides or loved ones

Use this to learn about Spirit Guides or Loved Ones on the Other Side

Cosmic beings 2

Cosmic beings 2

The term "Alien" is derogative, hence "Cosmic beings". added Genies and Jinnis to CHART 1, and split into two charts for clarity.

Pantheons of divine essences of the world

Pantheons of divine essences of the world

To which spiritual divine essences do you resonate more with? the most common pantheons of divine essences, Divine Masculine/Femenine

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