Pendulum charts - Health Care

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Actions for spiritual protection

Actions for spiritual protection

Actions required for spiritual protection

Higher self love language

Higher self love language

The love language guide for the Lower self and the Higher Self, so yes, the Higher Self longs to bond with us.

Higher self cords distress

Higher self cords distress

Updated to add more deficiencies. We have two energetic chords with our Higher Selves, namely the Chrysolite chord and the Topaz chord. The Chrysolite chord pertains to the mutual affliation with the Higher Self. It is like a marriage bond. The Topaz chord pertains to the thoroughness of communication and resonance with our Higher Self.



Guidance and instructions for Spiritual Healers and practitioners, as we are often under attack from the Darkside, followed by mind-wipes.

Ho' oponopono Healing Chart

Ho' oponopono Healing Chart

Chart to help determine what relationships and/or conditions need healing

Health system

Health system

The complete health system chart. Updated to gender specific groups.

Nerves Cranial and Spinal

Nerves Cranial and Spinal

13 Cranial and 31 Spinal nerves of the human body.

Soul types chart

Soul types chart

Use the chart to determine the type of soul connection with the other person. Determine how many apply with the numbers supplied.

Star family origin

Star family origin

All homonids originate from lyron system. we volunteered to answer earths distress call from one of these four systems.

Karma - lived in past life

Karma - lived in past life

To find a trauma or an emotion experienced in a past life Translation from @veroniqueauffret

Symptoms for Disease

Symptoms for Disease

Chart to determine underlying causes of disease.

Aura issues

Aura issues

The aura is also known as the ethereal body

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