Pendulum charts - Health Care
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Higher self cords distress
Updated to add more deficiencies.
We have two energetic chords with our Higher Selves, namely the Chrysolite chord and the Topaz chord. The Chrysolite chord pertains to the mutual affliation with the Higher Self. It is like a marriage bond.
The Topaz chord pertains to the thoroughness of communication and resonance with our Higher Self.
Higher self common distress 2
Our Higher Selves are grieved about our ignorance and the chart guides you into reconciling with your Higher Self
Pathological Negative Emotions
Dowse and restore to opposite:
Anger-Calm, Guilt-Healthy Ego, Alienation-Acceptance, Anxiety-Calm, Fear-Relief, Disgust-Neutrality, Sadness-Contentment, Indecisiveness-Decisive, Shame-Self-Love, Arrogance-Humility
Best Cleansing Practice
Determine the best cleansing method for spiritual tools, jewelry, crystals, and other items.
Darkside accouterments 1
These are the various implants, attachments and modifiers that the Darkside insert into/onto us to cause PERMANENT issues. Identify the issues and have them removed. An average human has about 51% of the issues within the charts.
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