Pendulum charts - Health Care

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Pranic healing chakras - basic

Pranic healing chakras - basic

Checking chakra health - pranic healing Colors are basic, chakras possess multiple colors.

Past life clearing

Past life clearing

A chart to be used for clearing and healing past life issues that are limiting you in some way. Questions to ask: What from a past life is holding me back and limiting my true potential now? What can I release to be on my highest path? What area of my past lives need some attention and healing?

Kundalini  rising types

Kundalini rising types

A few of the types of kundalini rising one may encounter.

Sacred secretion flows

Sacred secretion flows

A tracking chart for the four flows during the pineal lunar cycle. The chrism cycle. Sacred Secretion cycle. This cycle happens every time the moon is in ones zodiac sign, once a month, beginning about age twelve.

Which is the best tool to heal

Which is the best tool to heal

Chart to decide which tools to use for healing, whether you need to give something to the client.

Addiction types

Addiction types

Different types of addictions

Body glands

Body glands

The Endocrine System. Glands and Organs

Emotion code

Emotion code

This dowsing chart contains the emotion code with its corresponding body parts. The outer rings of numbers 1-100 represents age so you can check at which age the emotion got trapped. You can use the Yes/No to see if the emotion is ready to be released, if there's anything else you need to find out more about the emotion, and to check if it's been cleared. This chart makes it more efficient than muscle testing or dowsing through groups A/B, Even/Uneven/ and 1/3/5, 2/4/6 on the Emotion Code Chart. Happy dowsing!

Health disorders - category 1

Health disorders - category 1

Causes of major health disruptions. A starting point for evaluating health problems.

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