Pendulum charts - Dowsing

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Blank chart DIY hand-fill

Blank chart DIY hand-fill

Your ready & quick resource for those sudden personal conundrums that always seem to arise.

Motives for Murder

Motives for Murder

This chart helps to identify the motive when researching and clearing past lives in a soul clearing.



Things to do with water. Goes with to do chart. Water - Rocks

Phobias H-Z

Phobias H-Z

The second chart of phobias Determine the types of phobias a person has. Split into 2 charts.

Situation Feelings

Situation Feelings

How do they feel about the situation/service?

DOWSING  Time Chart

DOWSING Time Chart

Ask your guides/energy to be with you Set your intention/ask your “show me” question Hold your pendulum in your right hand over the centre of the mat Ask your question Be very watchful of your pendulum to see the way it swings The pendulum will swing towards one of the answer written on the mat Give thanks to your guides/energy Cleanse yourself and pendulum after use

Countries in Eastern Europe

Countries in Eastern Europe

List of countries in Eastern Europe

Biodynamic preparations

Biodynamic preparations

A chart for biodynamic preparations

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 Details of chart

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