Pendulum charts - Dowsing

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Causes of errors

Causes of errors

What can lead to errors in dowsing.

Things in the Way of Success or Progress

Things in the Way of Success or Progress

Discover what's blocking you or a Client



Chart to determine type of accidents, either living or deceased.

Right Questions

Right Questions

Help in asking the right questions. Getting useful answers.

Subtle Energy Band

Subtle Energy Band

For determining the type and orientation of subtle energy as described by the French Radiesthesists.

Pet's expression

Pet's expression

Understanding what your pets want to say!



Sometimes it's hard to understand the evidence being brought through in Mediumship. This pendulum chart might help in such situations. you can edit it and add personal topics, like cities or countries you've lived in, bars or parties you frequently visit, groups you interact with, ...



A time prediction chart

Dialogue chart

Dialogue chart

A chart based on how I communicate with my Ascended Masters. I get a lot of psychic attacks, thus needed to add "Stop now!" to prevent erroneous answers.

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 Details of chart

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