Pendulum charts - Dowsing

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Motives for Murder

Motives for Murder

This chart helps to identify the motive when researching and clearing past lives in a soul clearing.

Directions Chart

Directions Chart

This chart is used to find the directions in your questions. Example : Dear Pendulum show me in which direction I can find my golden chain ?, which direction should have have the holiday ? sleep ? etc.

Meridian - Biorhythm Chart

Meridian - Biorhythm Chart

Meridian - Biorhythmic chart is used to find the energy level of the organs and its associated active time, emotion and emotions.



Chart to determine type of accidents, either living or deceased.

Books in Book of Mormon

Books in Book of Mormon

Books in the Book Of Mormon scripture finder.

Book of Doctrine and Covenants

Book of Doctrine and Covenants

Book of Doctrine and Covenants scripture finder.

Books in Pearl of Great Price

Books in Pearl of Great Price

Books in Pearl of Great Price scripture finder.

Books of Scripture Finding Chart

Books of Scripture Finding Chart

Books of Scripture scripture Finding Chart

Books of the bible - chart 2

Books of the bible - chart 2

Use the chart if you have a message for yourself or others. There are three charts in total. Revised Standard Version is the preferred translation.

Books of the bible - chart 3

Books of the bible - chart 3

Use the chart if you have a message for yourself or others. There are three charts in total. Revised Standard Version is the preferred translation.

Books of the bible - chart 1

Books of the bible - chart 1

Use the chart if you have a message for yourself or others. Revised Standard Version is the preferred translation.

Chart Finder

Chart Finder

A generic chart to find other charts. Labeled 1 to 18.

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 Details of chart

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