Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Business Entrepreneurial

Business Entrepreneurial

What areas are positive to start a new business

Life Stage

Life Stage

A chart to define life stage, especially useful for pinpointing the seat of emotions and traumas

Higher self dialogue

Higher self dialogue

Basic dialogue with our Higher Self to maintain a healthy relationship, which is the primary requisite in our lives.

Emotion Code Pendulum Chart 2

Emotion Code Pendulum Chart 2

List of most common stuck emotions to indentify and remove, part 2

Spirit Animals

Spirit Animals

What is your Spirit Animal?

Identify guides or loved ones

Identify guides or loved ones

Use this to learn about Spirit Guides or Loved Ones on the Other Side

Before first Session with a Client

Before first Session with a Client

Things to check and possibly adjust before working with someone

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 Details of chart

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