Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Skin issues

Skin issues

Different type of skin issues on a horse or animal

Endocrine glands

Endocrine glands

A chart to find energetic imbalances in the endocrine glands

Karmic vows 1

Karmic vows 1

Allows you to find out what vows were made in past lives or on other planes to untie or break them.

Timeline chart 2023 -2037

Timeline chart 2023 -2037

Years, Months, Days of the Week, Hours chart

Spiritual development essences

Spiritual development essences

White Light Essences Topic: Spiritual Development

Addiction types

Addiction types

Different types of addictions

House plant health

House plant health

How healthy is my plant? What is wrong with my plant?

Pantheons of divine essences of the world

Pantheons of divine essences of the world

To which spiritual divine essences do you resonate more with? the most common pantheons of divine essences, Divine Masculine/Femenine

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