Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Yes / No / Maybe

Yes / No / Maybe

A chart for Yes / No and percentage questions

Types of dream

Types of dream

Use the chart to determine the type of dream you had and do the necessary response.

Essential Oils - Elements & Emotions

Essential Oils - Elements & Emotions

Essential Oils chart for creating blends to balance emotional states and elements. Can be used to identify deficits or excess.

Healing Abilities, Upgrades and Psychic Gifts

Healing Abilities, Upgrades and Psychic Gifts

Request activations to Higher Self (or I AM as necessary). Only what is authorized will come online. Check % after the request. Repeat until activation reaches 100%.

Chart of letters

Chart of letters

This allows you to search for names, places, anything that can be written in letters

Alien Races

Alien Races

According to indigenous elders, there are 68 Star Races involved on Earth. I know only these, but welcome more input from others. Light violet are aligned with the planetary evolutionary agreement; dark violet are Galactic Federation, here to support the evolution.

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metal Toxicity Chart

Life Stage

Life Stage

A chart to define life stage, especially useful for pinpointing the seat of emotions and traumas

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 Details of chart

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