Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Schlusser salts

Schlusser salts

Overview of Schlüsser Salts. Q: Which of the Schlüsser salts helps and supports me to improve my actual physical condition, all in my highest good? Grey (1-12) Basic Schlüsser Salts // 13 - 27 : New Schlüsser salts 2019 // 28 - 33 newest 2020

Musical key extended (w/ cents)

Musical key extended (w/ cents)

For Music Composition / Determining Key. w/ color coded Chakra overlay. Also has some of the presets used in Voloco for major/minor/pentatonic etc

Aura identification chart

Aura identification chart

A basic chart for identifying the colors and health of auras

Types of pendulum

Types of pendulum

A chart to determine the shape and/or material of a pendulum for any purpose

Body organs

Body organs

A chart to discover energetic imbalances in the organs

Toxic personalities

Toxic personalities

Is the person toxic? What is its degree of toxicity in %? What role in the field of toxicity? Translation from @Redje

Lived in past lives

Lived in past lives

To find a trauma or an emotion experienced in a past life. Translation from @monique

5 in 1 multiple check

5 in 1 multiple check

5 IN 1 Chart • YES & NO - WITH RATES • YIN YANG Chart • HAWKINS Chart • BOVIS Chart • VIBES Chart

Body glands

Body glands

The Endocrine System. Glands and Organs

Human needs 2

Human needs 2

What needs are not being Met?

Human needs

Human needs

What needs are not being met?

Emotional vibration love-based

Emotional vibration love-based

Check what love based vibration you are running.

Emotional vibration fear-based

Emotional vibration fear-based

Check what emotional vibration you are running.

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 Details of chart

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