Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Multi-dimensional interference

Multi-dimensional interference

energy-beings-forces involved with disturbing or interrupting the manifestation in the Field of Life .

Dream response

Dream response

Updated since the last time. The focus is now the Higher Self.

31 Planes of existence

31 Planes of existence

31 Planes of existence according to buddhism

Symptoms for Disease

Symptoms for Disease

Chart to determine underlying causes of disease.

Best Cleansing Practice

Best Cleansing Practice

Determine the best cleansing method for spiritual tools, jewelry, crystals, and other items.

Resolving Sleep Issues

Resolving Sleep Issues

What needs to be addressed to resolve persistent Sleep issues.

Answers in Dowsing

Answers in Dowsing

First, we should ask... Can I? Do I Know? Should I? Then, we can formulate any specific question and get some answers.



Gemstone Selection for Healing and Energy

Amino Acids

Amino Acids

List of amino acids by category. Building blocks of all peptides/proteins.

Lower chakra blocks

Lower chakra blocks

Grouped pertaining to its chakras

Angelic colours

Angelic colours

The chart was created to determine the colours of the 81 Archangels in the other charts. There are only colour descriptions of a few Archangels.

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 Details of chart

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