Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Actions for spiritual protection

Actions for spiritual protection

Actions required for spiritual protection

Communication with guides

Communication with guides

Which guide might be you be communicating with?

Deep fears

Deep fears

Check what fears are affecting your life now? Clear to zero.

Ad hoc chart

Ad hoc chart

I communicate with spirits all the time and the chart lets them express themselves

Higher self cords distress

Higher self cords distress

Updated to add more deficiencies. We have two energetic chords with our Higher Selves, namely the Chrysolite chord and the Topaz chord. The Chrysolite chord pertains to the mutual affliation with the Higher Self. It is like a marriage bond. The Topaz chord pertains to the thoroughness of communication and resonance with our Higher Self.



A time prediction chart

Dog Communications

Dog Communications

Simple Things Your Dog Wishes You Knew



Guidance and instructions for Spiritual Healers and practitioners, as we are often under attack from the Darkside, followed by mind-wipes.

Health system

Health system

The complete health system chart. Updated to gender specific groups.



Chart to determine type of accidents, either living or deceased.

Chart of Diagnosis

Chart of Diagnosis

A chart helping you to identity the source of the problems.

Yin & Yang circle

Yin & Yang circle

Yin and Yang measurement and balance chart

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 Details of chart

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