Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Dog Communications

Dog Communications

Simple Things Your Dog Wishes You Knew



Which Archangel was assigned to __________ at birth?



Chart to determine type of accidents, either living or deceased.

Meridian - Biorhythm Chart

Meridian - Biorhythm Chart

Meridian - Biorhythmic chart is used to find the energy level of the organs and its associated active time, emotion and emotions.

Right Questions

Right Questions

Help in asking the right questions. Getting useful answers.

Archangel dialogue

Archangel dialogue

This chart is refined based on experience and instructions from the Archangel. Where you see "Request...", the Archangel is asking you to ask her/him to protect/heal/transmute, bless you, etc.

Chart of Diagnosis

Chart of Diagnosis

A chart helping you to identity the source of the problems.

Yin & Yang circle

Yin & Yang circle

Yin and Yang measurement and balance chart

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies

The 38 Healing Bach Flower Remedies

Subtle Energy Band

Subtle Energy Band

For determining the type and orientation of subtle energy as described by the French Radiesthesists.

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 Details of chart

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