Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Love language

Love language

Identifying your love language

Sananda Ascended Master

Sananda Ascended Master

Sananda Ascended Master Qualities

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metal Toxicity Chart

Cooking Measurements

Cooking Measurements

This chart is used when creating recipes. It is a much better and faster way to come up with accurate measurements instead of experimenting

Emf and geo radiation

Emf and geo radiation

Pathological Influences from Geopathic stress

Aura issues

Aura issues

The aura is also known as the ethereal body



Which Archangel was assigned to __________ at birth?

Ho' oponopono Healing Chart

Ho' oponopono Healing Chart

Chart to help determine what relationships and/or conditions need healing

Causes of errors

Causes of errors

What can lead to errors in dowsing.

Fears to Release 3

Fears to Release 3

Identify the Fears that need to be faced or released by you or a Client.

Things in the Way of Success or Progress

Things in the Way of Success or Progress

Discover what's blocking you or a Client

Right Questions

Right Questions

Help in asking the right questions. Getting useful answers.

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 Details of chart

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You can try landscape mode
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