Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Grow your business

Grow your business

Ask for guidance about ideas for growing your business

Relationship with money

Relationship with money

What is my relationship with money? What energy am I running? How can I improve my relationship with money? What energy needs clearing to zero?

Why is this happening?

Why is this happening?

Research why is this happening.

Common Ailments

Common Ailments

Common physical and mental ailments



Gauge where frequencies are between 3d 4d and 5d

Focus Now

Focus Now

What to focus on right now

Cat communication

Cat communication

Updated to include texts to help you determine where your missing cat is.

Dowsing Status and Causes

Dowsing Status and Causes

Use this chart before dowsing, for accuracy.

Love language

Love language

Identifying your love language

Please log in or create an account to save your dowsing chart.

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 Details of chart

This application is mainly usable on PC,
You can try landscape mode
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