Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Supplements for Anxiety

Supplements for Anxiety

Natural Supplements to alleviate stress and anxiety

Employee Characteristics

Employee Characteristics

To determine employee qualities

Main starseed families

Main starseed families

What is your starseed family?

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing

Healing of various aspects of soul trauma. Activate one by one to 100% through higher self or healer guides. Some must be requested several times to fully complete. Continue if previous was completed (up to 2 minutes). Begin with inner child, soul retrieval, psychological health and merkabah activation.

Healing permissions

Healing permissions

Determine healing permissions based on karmic purposes.

Deity spiritual healing request

Deity spiritual healing request

Rephrased the heading from "Archangel" to "Deity" to make gender neutral. A checklist for receiving instructions from our personal Deity to make spiritual healing requests for others.

Physical healing request

Physical healing request

For all your physical healing requests. Updated from previous chart

15 Chakras:  Physical & Auric

15 Chakras: Physical & Auric

The chart can be used to locate blockages and which chakra to clear.

Heart Opening

Heart Opening

For self-healing of the Heart Chakra

People source identification

People source identification

Determine the source of something.

What to Do

What to Do

A chart to help divide your time a little more wisely

Please log in or create an account to save your dowsing chart.

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 Details of chart

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