Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Supplements for Anxiety

Supplements for Anxiety

Natural Supplements to alleviate stress and anxiety

Countries in Central & North America

Countries in Central & North America

List of countries in Central America and North America

Regions of Countries

Regions of Countries

List of regions to identify which region of countries to focus on.

Alien Races

Alien Races

According to indigenous elders, there are 68 Star Races involved on Earth. I know only these, but welcome more input from others. Light violet are aligned with the planetary evolutionary agreement; dark violet are Galactic Federation, here to support the evolution.

Days, time, percentages

Days, time, percentages

Days of the week, 24 hour clock and percentages

How is my pet?

How is my pet?

More useful for dogs, and cats. For example, I've found that if my dog has eaten something bad, or had an encounter with a toxic toad/frog, a bowl of milk might help.

Universal Bovis / Frequency table

Universal Bovis / Frequency table

Update of Bovis scale to fit current frequency increase. Please divide internaly the scale by 1000 to extend any range. In addition you can use this chart to get detailed information about frequencies behind and ask for the precise range and numerics. Please note, I'm not talking about electromagnetic waves, that's not relevant for humans, it's always an acoustic longitudinal wave (hypersonic - impulse transmission between gas and material) in the range of THz. e.g. emotions are from 20THz (fear) up to 80THz (love). Have fun to discovery this secrets :-)

Identify guides

Identify guides

Use this to learn about which guide might be communicating with you.

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