Pendulum charts
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Biorhythm Chart
Biorhythm chart to discover percentage of biorhythm %, strength, high, low. Chart 3 days in a row to tell if it is going up or down. The intellectual biorhythm lasts for 33 days and relates to your mental capabilities, creativity, aptitude to solve problems. The emotional biorhythm last for 28 days (just like the Moon's cycle) and relates to your emotional stability or stress. The physical biorhythm lasts for 23 days and is related to your physical energy, strength, health, stamina. Secondary rhythms: Spiritual (53 days), Awareness (48 days), Aesthetic (43 days), Intuition (38 days).
Your biorhythm above the horizontal line indicates that your capacity in that area is enhanced; you feel stronger, more alert, more connected, more empathetic. These are times when you are able to do more, be more, enjoy more. When the biorhythm lines are below 0%, your capacity is diminished, and conservative behavior is recommended.
Ultimate Dowsing chart
A complete table that can answer all questions...
Checking the condition of the chakras, the depth of something, intensities, and...
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Sex drive levels and Libido
Chart for women to determine levels of base and current level of drive and desire.
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