Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

New testament

New testament

Holy Bible Books of the New Testament

Personalized chart -  yes horizontal, no vertical

Personalized chart - yes horizontal, no vertical

W = Wording not understood A = Answer not available C = Change to different subject O = Other information available I = Incomplete question R = Red flag danger

God's laws - Universal laws - Laws of harmony

God's laws - Universal laws - Laws of harmony

Being in harmony or disharmony with God's Laws

Pranic healing chakras - basic

Pranic healing chakras - basic

Checking chakra health - pranic healing Colors are basic, chakras possess multiple colors.

Timing-full scope

Timing-full scope

A full scope dowsing chart for timing.

Past life clearing

Past life clearing

A chart to be used for clearing and healing past life issues that are limiting you in some way. Questions to ask: What from a past life is holding me back and limiting my true potential now? What can I release to be on my highest path? What area of my past lives need some attention and healing?

Color wavelength & frequency

Color wavelength & frequency

Jan-2025 revised sound correspondences

Plant health checkup

Plant health checkup

Plant health assessment, specifically for houseplants and potted outdoor plants

99 names of Allah or God 2

99 names of Allah or God 2

Second set of 99 names of God in Arabic and English. Allah's Names - Ismu Allah (in 9's). Two charts. Use to choose focus for zikr practice.

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 Details of chart

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