Pendulum charts
Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts
Discordant energy I to V
Discordant Energies that are held against us, or that we hold against others create pathways that keep us stuck experiencing the same things over and over. Release these, scramble the frequency, neutralize the negative effects of these upon all concerned, fill the voids with healing light etc.
Discordant energy A to H
Discordant Energies that are held against us, or that we hold against others create pathways that keep us stuck experiencing the same things over and over. Release these, scramble the frequency, neutralize the negative effects of these upon all concerned, fill the voids with healing light etc.
Blocks to clearing master programs
Check out Spiritual Response Therapy regarding these. Ask to release all levels, all layers, ask to burn them all root, branch and seed. These are what keep programs in place.
Programs / Imprints
Programs and Imprints can cause us to create pathways or timelines that are non beneficial. Ask to release all levels and layers from all existences.
Pendulum time chart
Ask your guides/energy to be with you
Set your intention/ask your “show me” question
Hold your pendulum in your right hand over the centre of the mat
Ask your question
Be very watchful of your pendulum to see the way it swings
The pendulum will swing towards one of the answer written on the mat
Give thanks to your guides/energy
Cleanse yourself and pendulum after use
Hidden psychic abilities
Check your Clair? and / or other potential psychic or paranormal abilities, you may not be aware you possess. Meet you perhaps, in some astral world.
Diy dog food chart
DIY Dog Food Chart - meat source, dietary component, preparation, and percentages. Included 0-10 range for testing and ranking.
Planetary magic
A chart for planetary magic with the houses, planets, signs, and aspects. To be used with a grimoire or book of shadows, and pendulum.
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