Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts



Vehicles are intricate machines with various components working together to transport us from one place to another.

Vertebral Column Anatomy

Vertebral Column Anatomy

Use to diagnose the correct vertebrae that might have a problem, it can be more than one , so ask more than one time. 360° version

Vertebral Column Anatomy

Vertebral Column Anatomy

Use to diagnose the correct vertebrae that might have a problem, it can be more than one, so ask more than one time.

Vibrational colours

Vibrational colours

Check which colour are we vibrating? Outer circle can be used to check the percentage of that colour. Outermost circle is the Bovis frequency.

Vibrational remedy potencies

Vibrational remedy potencies

Choose dilution and potency for flower, gem, homeopathic, and other vibrational remedies.

Virgo Journaling Keyword Prompts

Virgo Journaling Keyword Prompts

To choose Virgo Journaling keywords

Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamins you Lack and Need



How much vitamin, _____, do I have in my body? I am perfecting the levels of _____ in my body.

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 Details of chart

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