Pendulum charts

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High figures

High figures

For dowsing high figures

Higher chakra blocks

Higher chakra blocks

Blocks and issues grouped pertaining to chakras

Higher self common distress 2

Higher self common distress 2

Our Higher Selves are grieved about our ignorance and the chart guides you into reconciling with your Higher Self

Higher self cords distress

Higher self cords distress

Updated to add more deficiencies. We have two energetic chords with our Higher Selves, namely the Chrysolite chord and the Topaz chord. The Chrysolite chord pertains to the mutual affliation with the Higher Self. It is like a marriage bond. The Topaz chord pertains to the thoroughness of communication and resonance with our Higher Self.

Higher self dialogue

Higher self dialogue

Basic dialogue with our Higher Self to maintain a healthy relationship, which is the primary requisite in our lives.

Higher self full-body dynamic checklist

Higher self full-body dynamic checklist

A checklist to ensure that you are in full-body dynamic with your Higher Self.

Higher Self guidance for everyday living: Parenting, Marriage, and Femininity

Higher Self guidance for everyday living: Parenting, Marriage, and Femininity

"Higher Self Guidance for Everyday Living: Parenting, Marriage, and Femininity Dowsing Chart" reflecting its focus on providing guidance from your higher self tailored to your roles as a parent, spouse, and female individual in navigating everyday life.

Higher self idiocy distress 3

Higher self idiocy distress 3

Our Higher Selves are grieved about our ignorance and the chart guides you into reconciling with your Higher Self

Higher self love language

Higher self love language

The love language guide for the Lower self and the Higher Self, so yes, the Higher Self longs to bond with us.

Ho' oponopono Healing Chart

Ho' oponopono Healing Chart

Chart to help determine what relationships and/or conditions need healing

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