Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Blocks to clearing master programs

Blocks to clearing master programs

Check out Spiritual Response Therapy regarding these. Ask to release all levels, all layers, ask to burn them all root, branch and seed. These are what keep programs in place.

Blocks to manifestation

Blocks to manifestation

A chart to discover what blocks are preventing successful manifestation and change.

Blood pressure

Blood pressure

Check your blood pressure

Body Code walls

Body Code walls

The 4 Walls of the Body Code

Body glands

Body glands

The Endocrine System. Glands and Organs

Body organs

Body organs

A chart to discover energetic imbalances in the organs



Areas of life to focus on. Grouped by Body, Spirit and Mind.

Book of Doctrine and Covenants

Book of Doctrine and Covenants

Book of Doctrine and Covenants scripture finder.

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