Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Basic dowsing chart

Basic dowsing chart

The chart has been created to inform us to stop dowsing when we get psychic interference.

Before first Session with a Client

Before first Session with a Client

Things to check and possibly adjust before working with someone

Benevolent souls

Benevolent souls

Knowing the souls that surround us, that guide and accompany us Translation from @Lechercheur2019

Berkanalabs Pegotty board pegs placement

Berkanalabs Pegotty board pegs placement

This is a dowsing chart created to use for defining multiple pegs to be placed on BerkanaLabs pegotty board - according to Peter Radatti advanced/multidimensional pegotty method where multiple pegs can be placed in one row - see P. Radatti Advanced Radionics Manual Level 3 book for reference. How to use this chart: First dowse by each row, how many pegs to be placed in that row; Second dowse for Column 0 pegs positions; Finally dowse for specific positions of the pegs in each row (r) and column (c). Another method available to use with this chart is dowsing for specific rows' positions in Column 0 and then all other rows (r) and columns (c) specific positions right away (without asking how many pegs in each specific row must be placed). So, this one is a universal BerkanaLabs Pegotty dowsing chart.

Best Cleansing Practice

Best Cleansing Practice

Determine the best cleansing method for spiritual tools, jewelry, crystals, and other items.

Best Use of Pendulum

Best Use of Pendulum

A chart to determine the best use of a particular pendulum

Best use of pendulum

Best use of pendulum

A chart to determine the best use of a particular pendulum

Bewitching spells, enchantments & strikes

Bewitching spells, enchantments & strikes

Identify the spells that are affecting you.

Biodynamic preparations

Biodynamic preparations

A chart for biodynamic preparations

Biorhythm Chart

Biorhythm Chart

Biorhythm chart to discover percentage of biorhythm %, strength, high, low. Chart 3 days in a row to tell if it is going up or down. The intellectual biorhythm lasts for 33 days and relates to your mental capabilities, creativity, aptitude to solve problems. The emotional biorhythm last for 28 days (just like the Moon's cycle) and relates to your emotional stability or stress. The physical biorhythm lasts for 23 days and is related to your physical energy, strength, health, stamina. Secondary rhythms: Spiritual (53 days), Awareness (48 days), Aesthetic (43 days), Intuition (38 days). Your biorhythm above the horizontal line indicates that your capacity in that area is enhanced; you feel stronger, more alert, more connected, more empathetic. These are times when you are able to do more, be more, enjoy more. When the biorhythm lines are below 0%, your capacity is diminished, and conservative behavior is recommended.



This chart can be used during birth to test for a variety of things as the mother is in labor.

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